Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hi, my name is Sarra. I live in Methuen, MA and I attend Salem State University double majoring in Early Childhood Education and English. I plan on receiving my Masters degree in Special Education or Guidance Counseling. I have a lot of experience working with children. I have coached softball teams, taught pitching lessons, taught in the classroom, taught sports and fitness classes, and I have been a nanny for over five years now. One of the greatest experiences I had at Salem State was when I had my Junior Block Pre-practicum. I was assigned to the Horace Mann school in Salem, MA to a second grade classroom of fourteen children, more than half of them having IEPs, or unstable family backgrounds. I got a chance to really know the students and learn not only about them, but a lot from them as well. I was able to experience some of these students excelling in the classroom, even though they had all odds against them. Some of these children came in late or they didn't even come in at all because they were not able to get a ride to school in the morning. Some students I even saw waiting after hours when school ended because their rides were not able to pick them up. I loved working with these children, and I am privileged that I was able to experience all of it because it made me realize what field of education I wanted to pursue in. This is what led to me to want to work with special education students and or guidance counseling, because I want to help those children who may have unstable homes, or family problems. I want to help them and make them feel comfortable in their school environment  So that is why I was really glad that I got the experience that I did. I played softball for Salem State University as well, and I was a center fielder and a pitcher. It was one of the best and most fun experiences of my life. I got to travel and I made some of the greatest friends. I also love dogs and I have a beagle named Murphy and a Great Dane named Molly.

I chose to add a link about the schools in Lawrence, MA. It is about their longer school days, and how the schools who were once Level 3 schools and failing, are now Level 1 schools and are striving to be the best that they can be. I think it is a powerful article, and I personally grew up in Lawrence, MA so I know how rough it can be. I am so glad to know that they are finally making some positive changes.

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