Monday, February 17, 2014

Reflect on yourself collage

Everyone is unique. Everyone starts somewhere. I decided for my "Reflect on yourself" topic, that I would make a collage from my past, to where I am today. All these pictures symbolize who I am. The picture of the cards are from the classroom of 2nd grade students that I did my junior block with. They all wrote me thank you cards that actually made me cry! (Tears of joy). There are pictures of my entire family and my brother who is in the ARMY. None of us in this world would have the freedom to do what we wanted to do, if they did not fight for our country everyday. There is a picture of me doing yoga, which helps me relax and reflect on my life. There is a picture of my mini library in my room which I hope to expand as the years go on. The softball pictures are very important to me because not only have I played my whole life, but I have coached as well and I can honestly say that softball made me who I am today. I have played non stop since I have 8 years old, and it has taught me leadership, respect, sportsmanship, dedication, passion, and love. All of these characteristics will definitely benefit me when I start to enter the field of education in the next few years. I imagine my future as a guidance counselor or a teacher in an inner city, helping and coaching the students who have all odds against them. That is where I want to be!

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